Recovering Welding Technology For Surfacing

Repairing played a key role in the work of recovery welding machine parts damaged by corrosion. To contribute to the production cost of production plant in Vietnam, the application of methods for repairing to restore the parts of the equipment damaged by abrasion is also a proper direction box.

Post date: 21-11-2016

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1. Characteristics of repairing and covering the metal layer:
A process for repairing the coating provides a layer of metal details to change the size, shape and surface properties of the different welding methods can be applied nhau.Han up to recover the expenses weather worn, or damaged as fractures, broken, cracked, ... after a while working in various industrial fields such as stock crankshaft, gear train, dies, cutters Particularly hot ... cement industry is a roller pads, desk pads grinding in the mill, a hammer, hit the bar in the limestone crusher ... South embankment also be used to fabricate new details. For welding up to form a covering layer with special properties or create a layer of metal with the ability of abrasion resistance, friction increases as the blade of material dispensers, bucket lift transporting clinker ... Materials repairing can be carbon steel, wear-resistant steels, steels with special properties such as heat resistance, high degree cusng, acid resistant ...
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